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    Mittwoch, Oktober 29, 2003

    sementara yang lain pada ngasih kata2 mutiara soal ramadhan, gue ngasih ini aja deh
    Why Women Adores Jerks

    bla bla bla yada yada yada, gue copy paste point terakhir aja :-)

    Women want a man who:

    Can make them think.

    Can make them feel excitement, sexy, and turned on rather than bored.

    Can prioritize his life and doesn't let anyone walk over him.

    Is not afraid to voice his opinion.

    Keeps them on their toes through challenge.

    Holds and maintains an element of mystery.

    Is spontaneous.

    Gives them space and freedom, and keeps his own space.

    Is a lover, not a son.

    Is a Romeo, not a Fabio.

    Is chivalrous.

    Whapa ? not a Fabio ???
    hehe..padahal biasanya, buka pintu sambil merentangkan tangan...terus dengan suara menggema berkata "I am.. Fabiooooo"

    asli ngakak gue baca yang ini

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